Sunday, August 17, 2014

Finally, Back To Camping!

       Since childhood, camping is my favorite way of vacationing; and after a few years hiatus, it was quite a delight to finally camp again :-)  Since Nathaniel is a Park Ranger for the summer at the Black Canyon Of The Gunnison National Park, it was an easy decision of where to begin again. So, we dusted off our camping supplies and headed West. As we got closer, the anticipation kept building as the gorgeous scenery kept changing around every corner/curve!

    Where else would you see a B 1/2 Road ....
    and a lonely house atop a steep hill!!

Since gathering of firewood is not allowed or sold in the park, we  stop at the corner store (about 5 miles from the entrance to the park) to buy some.

    Once inside the park, the views from the car window are still wonderful!
In 'the olde days' we would drive around and around to pick out a camping site, but with how busy the National Parks are in Aug. and the online reservation system; I had already picked out and had a campsite reserved :-) In no time at all we had our campsite all set up!
Firewood all neatly stacked and ready for tonight!
Jim is ready to relax....
   while Geoffrey and I go for a short walk on a nearby trail.
I have always enjoyed going on the different Ranger led hikes and programs.

This time it was especially nice to see Nathaniel at work in the visitor center...
with us

and with other families :-)
and even better; on his own hikes/program that he developed! We arrive early so that I can get some pics :-)
Waiting for participants

Geoffrey checking out 'Sparky', the vehicle Nathaniel got to drive to this program.

Yep, they are brothers :-)

Answering questions before walk begins.
I tried not to take too many pics during his walk, and just enjoyed his presentation.

Geoffrey took this pic with his phone.
Most mornings, the sun's delightful patterns on the tent walls would wake me up.
 I would get up before the others and enjoy the quiet and beauty of the morning.

Some birdwatching here...Western Tanager, Green-tailed Towhee, Evening Grosbeak, etc.
Since we were in 'bear country', cleaning the campsite and putting EVERYTHING away before we left for the day's activity (and at bedtime), took a bit of work. Even water containers and cleaned camp stoves were put away!!
The van was always a bit messy!

Nathaniel let us use his car for storage :-)

Campsite all cleaned up and ready to leave for the day!
After the day's excursion, there was time to relax around the site and have dinner....
 enjoy a sunset....
 have a campfire and some S'mores....
 or go to one of the overlooks by the light of the supermoon! That experience was very memorable, and if you could combine the next 2 pics, it may come close to what we saw :-)
My pic...with some photoshopping

Nathaniel using my camera with no photoshopping.
After this week of camping, I definitely don't want there to be another long hiatus!!!