Sunday, February 9, 2014

Germany Vacation- Settling In At Justin's

    The next phase of our vacation is the Germany section of our vacation. During the next week we went on 3 day trips, using Justin's house as the homebase. Even though Justin has been living there since February, his 'slow' shipment of household goods will be just arriving. During this transition period, he has been using the Air Force's loaner furniture and his 'fast' shipment, which was whatever he had stored at our house; mostly games, computer, and clothes...obviously the 'essentials' for living :-) We spent a little time organizing what he had there to make room for his next set of belongings.
Quite a bit of paraphernalia without a place to put it :-(

New shelving helped for organizing his games.
Now that he is prepared for the movers, we take time for other activities.
Trying out one of Justin's new games.
 Justin and Geoffrey spending time together on cars...

 and laundry :-)
Justin translating the 'German' settings on the laundry machines
There was plenty of relaxing time doing our own thing in the same room. Computers, reading,and...
 right behind them, I am taking advantage of this window.....

 for a little bird watching.
We enjoyed the experience of shopping at the local food market and eating Jim's cooking :-)

I really think this is a good pic of Jim...would of been better if his eyes were open.
Justin's shipment arrives and we enjoy the comfort of his furniture :-)
Using Justin's nice, cushy, dining room chairs with the Air Force's table. Justin's table was missing the bolts for attaching the table to the pedestal :-(

This setting is a bit more comfy :-)
  Germany in May is quite damp, I believe it drizzled off and on almost every day. However, with all that moisture comes a very lush, green landscape. Nathaniel and I went exploring one afternoon and took off from a footpath that runs by Justin's backyard.This path led us to a very narrow road....
 winding through a woods.

 After a short ways on this road, we hooked up with a footpath that is now a bit lower and behind Justin's house.
Justin's house is the last one on the left.

Now his house is the last one on the right.
While meandering along on the myriad of interconnecting paths, we delight in the green vistas...
 the glimpses of the picturesque villages....

 a shrine....
 rainforest-like scenery....

and random pastoral niches.

Kind of had a feeling of being in the Jurassic Park's scene where Dennis meets up with the Dilophosaurus.

We end our outing with a perfect view of Justin's home.

Monday, February 3, 2014

An August Outing In The Prairie

    This winter I have found it hard to motivate myself to venture outdoors as the polar vortices keep rolling thru our area. Why subject myself to those frigid temperatures when I can be all nice and cozy indoors reading, photoshopping, attempting crocheting, etc.? Then I remember, I had similar thoughts this summer when it was extremely hot out...why go for a nature walk knowing that I hate the blazing sun, extreme heat, and turning into an extremely sweaty mess? However, one day, I bit the bullet and headed out with my camera to a local park that has a small restoration of a prairie. 

At this time of year, the plants are in all different stages.From just starting to open up...


 losing petals...

to seed/fruit.

In no time at all, I am not noticing the discomfort and am 'lost' in all the beauty, a kaleidoscope of color, pattern and form. It was fun to see the same plant in the different stages of flowering, all within a small area.

 The 'flitting' of birds drew my attention to this bush....
with its delicate flowers...
 and ripening fruit.
Insects are going about their business, while I am 'snapping' away with my camera.
 Sometimes they are hard to find amidst all the plants....

and sometimes they aren't.

When looked at closely,the designs of the seed heads can be quite intricate...



 The flowers' colors and shapes were very eye-catching.

 Either by themselves...

or combined with others...

the beauty created in nature is uplifting.
   Now, I am psyched up to find the 'winter' beauty :-)